
Empowering the Sikh community in Canada to advocate for dignity, justice, and self-determination

Our Vision

A world in which Sikhs exercise their right to self-determination and sovereignty for sarbat da bhala (betterment of all).

What is Sikh Federation (Canada)?
How does Sikh Federation (Canada) address issues of foreign interference and transnational repression?
Why was the formation of Sikh Federation (Canada) necessary?
What makes Sikh Federation (Canada) different?


Political Advocacy
Engaging with all levels of government to ensure that the rights and interests of Sikhs are represented and protected. This includes advocating for policies that promote justice, equality, and self-determination for Sikhs in Canada and around the world.
Community Mobilization
Building a strong grassroots base to advocate for Sikh rights and interests. This involves organizing community events, educational programs, and campaigns to mobilize Sikhs across Canada.
Combating Disinformation
Actively countering disinformation campaigns that seek to criminalize Sikh advocacy or promote anti-Sikh hate. This includes working with media outlets, social media platforms, and other stakeholders to ensure accurate and fair representation of Sikh issues.
Solidarity Building
Fostering solidarity with other communities and social justice movements. This involves building alliances with like-minded organizations and working together to address common challenges and promote a more inclusive and just society.


Liberal Party of Canada must consider Sikh concerns regarding Chandra Arya's candidacy for leadership
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All parties must work collaboratively to recognize November 1984 Anti-Sikh violence as genocide
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